Maintenance Technician

Apply via don.32149611E3.0(at)usa.applybe.comMaintenanc e Technician Maintenance Mechanic Littleton MA M-F 7AM - 3 30PM Drug Test RequiredFast paced production plant is looking for a maintenance mechanic to join their team. This is a first shift position. Responsibilities include maintaining and repairing plant machinery.Prior experience with conveyor belts hydraulics electrical troubleshooting and basic mechanical skills requiredThis position offers a good starting rate and it has the potential to lead to direct employment. Must Have steel toe boots. Drug Test RequiredChoice1Temps Offers Medical Insurance Dental Insurance Vision Short Term Disability Term Life Insurance Choice1Temps is an equal opportunity employer. All applicants will be considered for employment without attention to race color religion sex sexual orientation gender identity national origin veteran or disability status.



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