Invest in suez canal economic zone | egypt

Invest in Suez Canal Economic Zone | Egypt Invest in Suez Canal Economic Zone and get investment incentives for your project inside and outside Egypt | Suez Canal Economic Zone is your commercial gateway to Africa, Europe and Asia, as well as inside Egypt | the passage of the Chinese Silk Road through the Suez Canal will help you reach your products to all world. Factories - industrial lands - commercial lands - warehouses - custom warehouses No Tax (0%) - No Customs (0%) - Ease to issue the licenses I help you to choose the industrial city Suitable for your industry and budget. Real Estate Expert | Yasser Shaaban - Marketing Agent of Industrial Cities - Suez Canal Economic Zone | Egypt - Dolphin of Real Estate Marketing, Co | Please call + 201066036789 | 34L - Al-Ahram Gardens - Giza - Egypt



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