Ambulance Service in Guwahati Assam by Medivic North East

ARE YOU LOOKING FOR THE AMBULANCES WHICH ARE PROVIDING THE BEST SERVICE IN NORTHEAST CITIES Medivic Ambulance Services in Guwahati Assam provides the best ambulances service in the northeast cities. We offer the road ambulance service in emergency trauma. Our ambulances are famous for providing fast and cost-effective service in the northeast cities. Ambulance Service in Guwahati is loaded with the latest technologies which are required for the medication for the patients. We provide the ambulance service in emergency and non-emergency conditions. Our medical staffs are 24 7 hours available for the patients in the hospital. We have various ambulances like cardiac ambulances ventilator ambulances and ICU ambulances for the patients. For any queries please contact us Office No- 31 First Floor Uttaranchal Plaza Vasundhara Sector-3 Opposite Le Crest Hospital Ghaziabad NCR Delhi-201012Contact us 919560123309 919264470192Email ID info(at)



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