
First Choice Haircutters is looking for skilled hairstylists. We are located on 1475 Bedford Highway Bedford.This position is a full-time permanent position and will work 30-40 hours per week. Overtime will be paid after 48 hours of work per workweek.We offer competitive bonus and incecntives along with gratuity. We also provide disability dental and medical benefits to our employees. We are looking for qualified hairstylists who have minimum of 2-3 years of work experience as a Hairstylist.Job Duties Analyze hair and scalp condition and provide basic treatment or advice on beauty care treatments for scalp and hair Apply bleach tints dyes or rinses to colour frost or streak hair Suggest hair style compatible with client s physical features or determine style from client s instructions and preferences Cut trim taper curl wave perm and style hair Apply hair extensions If you have above qualifications please send your resume to halifaxfch(at)



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