We offer gpi, loan bg/sblc via euroclear

l have a Genuine direct providers of Fresh Cut BG, SBLC & LOAN, which are specifically for lease & Purchase Lease Price is 6+ 2%, Purchase Price is 38+ 2%, Loan is 3% & gpi is 65/35% respectively Issuance by HSBC Bank, Barclays Bank Plc London & Deutsche Bank Germany. For Closing procedure , Interested cooperates bodies & individuals proposing local & international projects funding should contact us. WE ALSO NEED A CAPABLE RECEIVER TO PROCESS MT103 GPI SEMI AUTOMATIC & MT103 GPI AUTOMATIC WITH UETR CODE Pls note that brokers are welcome and their commission 100% guaranteed Email: maxmmm772{}gmail.com Skype-live:.cid.ce6288f74ce1a8f8 Luc



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