14X70 Fixer Upper

5 000 Fixer82 Carefree mobile home for sale. 14X70 2 bed 2 full bath Needs skirting and new flooring in some places in the house.Wall oven needs new parts.Most of the other repairs seem to be small tweaks & doodles Has working hot water heater gas stove furnace two wall air conditioners. Fenced yard. In a park. Lot rent (at) 375 and 45 each for background check.. I am still living there and hope to be out by the end of March. Can be seen (at) 2056 E US Highway 70 Lot 35 85546 I am looking for someone to help me move. If you decide to you can take this offer.Will take 400 off the price for a couple people to load a uhaul drive it to Casa Grande and unload. 300 for the job and 100 for gas on the trip back. That s one days work. I will rent a car trailer to pull behind the uhaul to carry your vehicle down there. Prefer texts for first contact928.261.7892



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