Quality Production Lab Technician

Mark Anthony Brewing is hiring a Laboratory Technician who will perform routine lab and micro analysis on raw materials samples product samples both in-process and finished to ensure quality and specifications are sustained. The Lab Technician works with a high attention to detail and a sense of urgency in a fast-paced environment. This role will work closely with all departments particularly Brewing Batching and Packaging. The Laboratory Technician will operate and maintain various lab equipment instrumentation along with following all laboratory SOPs.This is your opportunity to be a part of an innovative team in a brand new state-of-the-art brewing facility in Glendale AZ.Position is for 2nd or 3rd shift.Core Duties & Responsibilities Perform routine analysis and provide timely and accurate data to all departments of the Glendale Brewery. Evaluate finished goods quality and audit processes throughout production to ensure all specs are met and plant is operating within desired parameters. Proficient in Good Lab Practices keeping a clean and safe laboratory Learn and understand processes throughout the facility to better assist with troubleshooting determining root cause isolating and dispositioning holds. Assist in managing non-conforming products to ensure they are not released without further analysis and Quality Manager approval Help to develop quality information records and display data clearly and effectively Operate and maintain lab equipment instrumentation not limited to Alcolyzer DMA pH meters GC HPLC spectrophotometer etc. Skillful with equipment calibration and maintaining control charts to ensure equipment is performing properly. Prioritize work in a fast-paced environment to limit downtime and keep operations moving Manage laboratory inventory Participate in Glendale s HACCP Food Safety Program to ensure product integrity and food safety The Quality Lab Tech position is well-suited for you if you Can work in a fast-paced environment and prioritize work while multitasking. Demonstrate motivation and a good work ethic under minimal supervision. Work effectively in team environments. Demonstrate a hands-on attitude and an attention to detail. Demonstrate a willingness to pitch in wherever needed. Have a demonstrated history of being accountable for the ongoing reporting of KPIs Collaborate to achieve cross-functional KPIs such as People Safety Training & Development Cross-Functional Effectiveness Quality Quality Specifications GMP HACCP and Internal Quality Audit Metrics Customer Service On-Time In Spec In Full Cost COGS Inventory Management Operational Losses Process Efficiency Qualified candidates will have Bachelor s Degree in Chemistry Biology Microbiology or Food Science OR 8 years of relevant work experience. Minimum 2 years laboratory experience in food carbonated beverage or alcohol preferred. Availability to work a 2nd or 3rd shift 8-hour shifts with future plans of a 2-2-3 schedule of 12 hour shifts including weekends and occasional holidays. Strong analytical skills. Demonstrate attention to detail and accuracy. Knowledge of good laboratory practices including sample prep handling and record keeping. Proficient with basic computer applications including Excel Microsoft Office and Word. Experience with Excel VBA preferred. Statistical process control skills and use of statistical analysis software preferred. Must be at least 21 years of age.Working Conditions Climate controlled environment with a temperature of 68 degrees year round Analytical Laboratory and Manufacturing Environment include Potential exposure to odors fumes airborne particles and hazardous chemicals Noise level varies from quiet to loud Temperature varies from hot to cold. Fast-paced and constantly changing work environment. Possible off-shift and weekend holiday work Please apply directly online at s www.mabrewing.com careers



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