Brahmin Wedding Planners in Bangalore Brahmin Wedding Caterers

Are you looking for a perfect food affair to complement your special event Then you ve come to the right place Shree Caterers provide a sumptuous food itinerary for all catering needs. Our complete range of outdoor and indoor catering services covers food preparation and presentation for any size event no matter how large medium or small. There are a variety of catering options available to suit your event and taste as well as your budget. So let us handle your food worries while you enjoy your special moments with your loved ones. Our Best Services Service staff servers Crockery and cutlery Mineral water bottles Glassware Soft beverages juices sodas tonic Presentation and lighting for the food setup Chilling and cubed ice Contact Us Mobile 91 9916045838 91 9916045837Email info(at) ramkrishnan(at)shreecaterers.comWebsite shreecaterers.comAddress No.936 59 11th C Cross vyalikaval Malleshwaram Bangalore-560003



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