
CAN-AM HOMES AND DEVELOPMENTS Ltd. located at Suite 23-A 7711 128 Street Surrey BC V3W 4E6 Canada is urgently looking to hire 1 Full-time Permanent BookkeeperLanguages at work English Job Duties Manage all accounts receivables and payables creation of all purchase orders and invoices. Calculate and prepare cheques for payroll.Keep financial records and establish maintain and balance various accounts using manual and computerized bookkeeping systems. Distribute monthly owner statements Reconcile accounts. Prepare trial balance of books. Calculate fixed assets and depreciation. Prepare statistical financial and accounting reports. Prepare tax returns.Filing and additional office support to property managers.Education Completion of secondary school is requiredExperience Minimum 1-2 years of relevant work experience is requiredSalary 25.50 hour (40 hours per week).Newcomers aboriginals people with disabilities school leavers and new immigrants are most welcome . To apply email your resume to canamhomesanddevelopmentsltd(at)



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