New space for rent 1793 to 7822 sqft in Mirabel St-Canut

New commercial space office for rent Mirabel Saint-Canut --- 10145 Rue Henri-Pich . From 1793 to 7822 square feet available Magnificent commercial building currently under construction. Delivery is scheduled for May 1 2022. Strategic location to set up professional offices and boutiques. High traffic flow and excellent visibility. Several parking spaces on site. Only 1 km from the commercial site IGA supermarket located at the intersection of Chemin St-Simon and Wilfrid-Laurier. Bright and new place. 23 year sqft tx.For more details please leave your contact information or contact Gilles Brunet CPA Commercial and residential real estate broker Royal LePage Partenaire 514-793-2547 gillesbrunet.caLocal commercial bureau neuf louer Mirabel Saint-Canut --- 10145 Rue Henri-Pich . De 1793 7822 pieds carr s disponibles Magnifique b tisse commerciale pr sentement en construction. La livraison est pr vue au 1er mai 2022. Emplacement strat gique pour y implanter bureaux professionnels et commerces. Haut d bit de circulation et excellente visibilit . Plusieurs cases de stationnement sur le site. seulement 1 km du site commercial du supermarch IGA situ l intersection Chemin St-Simon et Wilfrid-Laurier. Local lumineux et neuf. 23 ann e pc taxes.Pour plus d information veuillez laisser vos coordonn es ou joindre Gilles Brunet CPA Courtier immobilier commercial et r sidentiel Royal LePage Partenaire 514-793-2547



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