ATandT is Hiring Installation Technician - 5000 Sign On Bonus

AT& T is Hiring Installation Technicians in East Dunee Illinois. Apply today EastDundeePrem 5 000 Sign On Bonus Full Time Benefits (Medical Dental 401K to name a few) Paid Time Off Tuition Assistance Discounts on AT& T Products Our technicians help customers apply the latest technology to their lives. This is where innovation is born when our customers use new technology. Working with the latest devices and tools our technicians help us deliver the future before anyone else by installing our award-winning TV service satellite or state of the art fiber optics to give customers access to the world s most robust network. Innovation starts in the hands of our customers and our technicians deliver it to them.What s it like to join our team Well you ll work indoors and outdoors to install high-speed broadband Wi-Fi and voice services in homes and offices. But that s not all. You ll also connect with our customers to provide first-hand demos of service features and functions so they can apply the latest technologies to their lives in a supportive team environment.You ll also gain an amazing benefits package with medical dental coverage 401(k) plan tuition reimbursement and paid time off. In addition to these benefits you ll be a part of our ongoing paid training in your field leading to exciting career paths. We take care of our own here (hint that could be you). Our benefits and rewards mean we cover some of your biggest needs with some of the coolest offerings.Have you worked for three or more years installing or maintaining entertainment security or networking equipment for customers or have similar experience If yes you can join our team with a starting pay of over 20 per hour. Don t have three years of experience We offer a competitive salary for all levels of expertise and provide great opportunities for career growth.Apply Today EastDundeePrem



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