
Vilt Design Homes Ltd. dba Daum Construction was established with an ambition to bring a cabinet design at construction. We are currently looking for cabinetmakers. Job Information Employer Vilt Design Homes Ltd. dba Daum ConstructionJob title CabinetmakerBusiness address 15977 113A Ave. Surrey BC Canada V4N 1R6Working location Various locations within Lower Mainland BCTerms of Employment Permanent Full-timeCompensation 24.00 hourHours of work 30 40 hours weekVacancies 2Benefits 4% of gross salary for vacation remuneration or 10 business days paid holidays per yearLanguage English Job Duties- Prepare specifications for different types of cabinets.- Outline and cut wood as per dimensions.- Use hand tools to cut shape and form parts and components and woodworking machinery using power saws jointers shapers etc.-Sand surfaces to remove any unevenness and apply the finishing touches to the furniture such as sanding down or polishing.-Repair or restyle elements of cabinets that have been sent in for servicing. Job Requirements-Education Completion of secondary school is required.-Experience Completion of a four-year apprenticeship program OR a minimum of 2-3 years of work experience in a relevant field. How to Apply Email daumconstructionhr(at) We appreciate the interest of all candidates however only those selected for an interview will be contacted.



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