Bookkeeper (NOC 1311)

This job is posted by an employment agency or third party on behalf of the employer. Navraj Fashion Ltd. is seeking an energetic highly motivated professional to join their team. Employer name Navraj Fashion Ltd.Job Title Bookkeeper (NOC 1311)Job type Full time and PermanentBusiness address Unit 102 12885 80 Ave Surrey BC V3W 4G8Salary 25.00 Hour for 40 hours a week (Overtime as per BC labor laws)Minimum Education Secondary School and college diplomaLanguage EnglishPositions Available 1Job Location Surrey Requirements Completion of secondary school Completion of college program in accounting bookkeeping or courses in accounting bookkeeping combined with related work experience is required Two- Three years of work experience Excellent time management skill and attention to details Excellent written and verbal English communication skills Responsibilities Maintain financial records and balance different accounts manually and with the use of software Keep records of day to day financial transactions Post journal entries reconcile accounts manage general ledgers and prepare financial statements Calculate and arrange cheques for payrolls and pay taxes and utilities bills Formulate bank deposits balances and verify receipts pay and prepare invoices after approval from management and monitor overdue Prepare tax returns and also financial and accounting reports as required Create and maintain an effective filling & database system for all financial documents Fill and submit tax remittance forms worker s compensation and other government documents Selected applicants will be contacted for interviews. How to apply Interested candidates please email your resumes.Email navrajfashion8373(at)



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