Head Chef

Satya Asha is looking for full time Head Chef at Unit 5-6 12818 72 Ave Surrey BC V3W 2M9 Canada. There are 2 positions available. Main duties are as follows but not limited to Supervise and manage activities of all cooks and other kitchen staff. Plan their work schedule. Plan and direct food preparation and cooking activities of several restaurants in an establishment restaurant chains hospitals or other establishments with food services Consult with clients regarding weddings banquets and specialty functions Plan menus and make sure to maintain the quality of food Estimate food requirements and may estimate food and labour costs Arrange for equipment purchases and repairs Recruit and hire staff May prepare and cook food on a regular basis or for special guests or functions. Hours of work are 40 hours week (overtime pay after 40 hours). Work hours can be anytime during the morning day evening or night. Pay is 18 hour. Successful candidates must speak English and have completed high school. Minimum work experience is 2 years hands on experience.Please send resumes via email to Rightchoicebc(at)yahoo.com.



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