Mechanical Engineering Technician (CTK Bio Canada)

We are looking for an experienced Mechanical Engineering Technician to join our team. Position Mechanical Engineering Technician (Permanent)Wage 32 hr (Overtime pay to be paid at 1.5 the regular wage after 8hrs day and after 40hrs wk.)Working hours 35 hrs wk (Full-time)Employer CTK Research & Development Canada Ltd. o a CTK Bio CanadaWorking location 102-6628 176A Street Surrey BC V3S 2A7 CanadaBenefit(s) Canadian Life Insurance will be provided upon completion of 3 months of employment. 10 days paid vacation upon completion of 1 year of employment.Vacancies 1 Job Duties but not limited to the following Assist in the preparation of engineering designs drawings and specifications in both traditional and computer-assisted design (CAD) formats. Perform a limited range of mechanical tests and analyses on machines parts and materials. Assist with the design of moulds tools dies jigs and fixtures that will be used in manufacturing processes. Assist with inspection process of mechanical installation and construction projects. Assist with machinery and equipment installation repair and maintenance. Qualifications Completion of a one- or two-year college program in mechanical engineering technology is required. Certification in mechanical engineering technology or in a related field is available through provincial associations of engineering applied science technologists and technicians is an asset 1-2 years of previous work experience is required. English written and verbal communication skills. Please do not call us regarding the posted position. Apply in writing with your cover letter & resume to ctkresearch(at)outlook.comWe thank you for your application however only selected candidates will be contacted for the interview.



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