Red Fin Sushi and K-Food in Castlegar BC is looking for qualifie

Red Fin Sushi & K-Food in Castlegar BC is looking for qualified Cooks to join our team. Position CookPositions Available 2Employment Term Permanent Hourly Wage C 16.00 17.00 per hour (depending on experience) Working Hours 30.00 40.00 hours per weekVacation 10 days of paid vacation per year or 4% of gross salaryBenefit GratuitiesBusiness Address & Work Location 111-1983 Columbia Ave. Castlegar BC V1N 2W8 Main Job Duties Prepare and cook traditional and modern Japanese and Korean style dishes Ensure to maintain high quality of foods food safety and sanitization Maintain inventory and records of food supplies and equipment Supervise and train kitchen helpers regarding food preparation Clean kitchen and work areas Requirements Education Completion of secondary schoolExperience Minimum 2 years of experience in commercial cookingLanguage English How to Apply Email at redfinsushi.kfood(at) We thank everyone in advance for your application but only selected candidates will be contacted for an interview. No phone calls regarding employment please. Red Fin Sushi & K-Food (Red Fin Sushi Ltd.)



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