2019 mercedes benz gt 43 amg

Year 2019 Make Mercedes-benz Model Gt 43 Body Style Coupe Stock Number C221914 Mileage 22399 Location Dubai Engine 3.0l I6 Turbo Exterior Color Silver Door 4 Warranty Yes Bhp 362 The Elite Cars is one of the most renowned luxury car dealership in the UAE with world class showrooms strategically located across Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Sharjah. Armed with strong export capability and innovative approach to exceeding customer satisfaction, The Elite Cars has achieved a reputable position in the global market. The remarkable quality of our products, interactive customer support, competitive market prices, and excellent car customization services are what set us apart from the competition and allow us to continue providing unmatched services to our valued customers. Our highly experienced professionals provide bespoke online and showroom experience giving priority to a smooth customer journey and satisfaction. Our rapid growth in the automotive market has also enabled us to make successful partnerships with manufacturers and automotive experts, locally and internationally. We strive to contribute to the growth of automotive industry in the UAE by implementing innovative and digital means of customer interaction and to redefine their automotive purchase journey. WHY CHOOSE THE ELITE CARS ? Remarkable models from the world s legendary marques ? Competitive market prices ? Outstanding customer service ? Flexible finance and insurance options. ? Established local and international presence ? Strong export capability ? Fast, smooth and easy car buying transaction ? Expert sales and after-sales support ? Car registration assistance ? Multiple luxury brands under one roof ? Intricate car customizations in partnership with renowned international brands VISIT OUR SHOWROOMS ACROSS THE UAE: Abu Dhabi, Dubai & Sharjah Check out more of our collection here: www.theelitecars.com



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