Long Haul Truck Driver

Long haul truck driverPosted on March 31 2022 by Amber Trucking LtdJob details Location Surrey BCV3W 3K8 Salary 27.00 hour Vacancies 4 vacancies Employment groups Students Youth Indigenous people Newcomers to Canada Terms of employment Permanent employment Full time 30.00 to 60.00 hours week Start date As soon as possible Employment conditions Flexible hours Employer covers the relocation costs Job requirementsLanguagesEnglishEducationNo degree certificate or diplomaExperienceNo experienceWork Location InformationRelocation costs covered by employerDocumentation KnowledgeDriver logbookSpecific SkillsOperate and drive straight or articulated trucks to transport goods and materials Load and unload goods Perform pre-trip en route and post-trip inspection and oversee all aspects of vehicle Oversee condition of vehicle and inspect tires lights brakes cold storage and other equipment Receive and relay information to central dispatch Record cargo information hours of service distance travelled and fuel consumptionCredentials (certificates licences memberships courses etc.)Air Brakes Endorsement Driver s License (Class 1 or A)How to applyBy emailjacob(at)ambertrucking.com



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