
BookkeeperRoyal Window Fashions Ltd. o a Royal Construction in Burnaby BC is looking for a competent bookkeeper.Job Requirements Secondary education is required. College diploma in accounting bookkeeping or related is required. 2 years of experience in bookkeeping. Position Bookkeeper Wage C 25 Per hourWorking Hours 40 hours working weekBenefit 10 business days paid vacation per yearTerms of Employment Full-time PermanentWork Location 102-6833 Sellers Ave Burnaby BC V5J 4R2Language English Responsibilities Using manual and automated bookkeeping systems prepare financial statements and track annual budgets. On a regular basis update and maintain accurate journal entries bank reconciliations general ledgers and financial statements. File tax returns. Calculate and prepare payroll checks. Maintain financial records by gathering and evaluating account data. Manage all receivables prepare invoices and keep track of payments. How to Apply By Email royalwindowhiring(at)outlook.comSelected candidates will be contacted for an interview.



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