Restaurant Assistant Manager

Company Name Island Bagel CoJob Title Restaurant Assistant Manager (NOC 0631 0)Job Type Permanent Full-time 40 hours per weekBusiness Address 48 Station St Duncan BC V9L 1M4Salary 21.00 per hourMinimum Education College diploma in hospitality or related fields.Position Available 1Employment Groups Students Youth Veterans of the Canadian Armed Forces Visible minorities Persons with disabilities Indigenous people Newcomers to Canada Seniors ApprenticesJob Description Ensure provision of high-quality food and services in daily operations. Determine and implement proper procedures to demonstrate the family-friendly image of the restaurant. Resolve customer complaints efficaciously and respond their concern as soon as possible. Assist the manager to recruit train and evaluate staff in consideration of improving restaurant s service quality. Set weekly work schedules for staff and monitor staffs attendance and serving attitudes. Determine and modify restaurant menu prices with the manager based on inventory cost and the prices of seasonal food. Guide and motivate staff to maintain a positive working environment. Ensure that restaurant operations follow the Federal and Provincial health and safety requirements and regulations. Manage and track food inventory attentively and order supplies for the restaurant as needed. Oversee the maintenance of kitchen equipment and other restaurant facilities regularly to guarantee normal operation of the business. Negotiate prices and check the quality of ingredients or other supplies with local suppliers. Be aware of special food allergies in accordance with customers requirements. Personal Suitability Excellent leadership and organizational skills Flexible organized and dependable Great communication skill written and verbal Positive work ethics Multi-tasking and supportive Work Experience 2 - 3 years of work experience in serving industry is required Supervisory experience in serving industry is required Work Language EnglishBenefits 10 days paid vacation per year plus performance-based commission and bonusHow to apply Email islandbagelhr(at)gmail.comMailing Address 48 Station St Duncan BC V9L 1M4Your resume will be carefully reviewed but only those selected for an interview will be contacted. Please indicate your status (e.g. Citizen PR Work Permit) in submitting your resume.



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