Kitchen Helper

3293656 Nova Scotia Limited cob Busan Korean BBQ is looking for an experienced kitchen Helper Position Kitchen HelperEmployer 3293656 Nova Scotia Limited cob Busan Korean BBQ (Former operating name Bione Restaurant Inc.)Work Location 6311 Quinpool Road Halifax NS B3L 1A4Business Address Same as aboveTerms of employment Permanent Full-time (Part-time available)Wage 13.35 hourWorking Hours 30 40 hours per weekBenefit 10 days paid vacation or 4% of gross payLanguage English Vacant 2 Job Duties - Assist cooks when needed with the preparation of the ingredients including washing chopping peeling cutting and stocking supplies.- Unpack supplies and organize them.- Remove trash and clean kitchen garbage containers.- Wash work table cupboards and appliances.- Sweep and mop floors. Requirement Education Completion of High school is preferred but not required.Experience Experience is an asset. On-the-job training will be provided. How to apply Email busanbbqhalifax(at)



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