Beauty Shop Manager

TONY S NAILZ SALON located in Halifax Nova Scotia is now hiring a Beauty Shop Manager Employer Tony s Nailz Inc. (o a Tony s Nailz Salon)Position Beauty Shop Manager (NOC 0651)Working (Business) Location 6140 Young Street Unit 80 Halifax NS V3K 0G2Vacancy 2 Main Duties - Oversee daily salon operations.- Organize employees shifts considering peak times and seasonality.- Arrange regular maintenance services for all equipment.- Promote services products and discounts on social media.- Manage supplies and equipment inventories within budget.- Maintain cleanliness of the shop and related areas and equipment.- Interact with guests to obtain feedback on product quality and service levels.- Handles guest problems and complaints.- Emphasize guest satisfaction during service performance.- Manage contracts for advertising or marketing strategies.- Hire train and supervise staff. Qualification - Completion of secondary school is required.- College diploma or vocational certificate in the subject of instruction would be an asset.- 2 years of managing experience in the service being offered is required. Working Hours 35 40 per weekWage 29 30 per hour (depends on career)Benefits 4% of gross income or 10 days of paid vacation. Apply with your cover letter & resume by email at info.tonysnailzsalon(at) Only selected candidates will be contacted for the interview. Thank you for your cooperation.



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