User Support Technician (2282)

This job is posted by an employment agency or third party on behalf of the employerAsterix Technologies Ltd. is seeking an energetic highly motivated professional to join their team as a User Support Technician Employer name Asterix Technologies Ltd.Job Title User Support Technician (2282)Job type Full time and PermanentBusiness address 6940 150B St Surrey BC V3S 0W7Salary 31 Hour for 40 hours a weekOvertime as per BC labor lawsMinimum Education Completion of a College DiplomaPositions Available 1Job Location various locations as per company contract RequirementsCompletion of a college diploma in computer science or related field is required Minimum 1 year of experience Excellent knowledge of computer systems and utilities Excellent written and verbal communication skills Effective interpersonal skills and attention to details ResponsibilitiesProvide technical support to clients both electronically via phone email and in-person experiencing technical problems Conduct research and implement solutions by applying user guides and technical manuals Provide advice and training to clients in response to identified difficulties Maintain the database of all the problems that the clients have encountered along with the technical support they were provided to resolve the issue Deliver business systems network and internet support to clients in response to identified difficulties and ensure that the all the software s are properly installed & working according to the client s need Selected applicants will be contacted for interviewsHow to Apply Interested candidates please email your resumes.Email asterixtech150(at)



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