Restaurant Manager

3287786 Nova Scotia Ltd. dba Convenience 4U-Chicking is looking for a Restaurant Manager Job InformationPosition Restaurant ManagerEmployer 3287786 Nova Scotia Ltd. dba Convenience 4U Chicking (previously known as Let s KO)Business Address 604 Bedford Hwy Halifax NS Canada B3M 2L8Working Location Same as business addressWage 15.71 hourJob Type Full-time PermanentWorking hours 30hrs - 48hrs weekNumber of Positions 1Benefit 4% of gross salary will be provided OR 10 days paid vacation as a vacation reimbursement Language English Job Duties - Plan organize direct control and evaluate the operations of our restaurant.- Manage staff schedule and oversee staff training.- Monitor staff performance.- Resolve customer complaints and enquiries.- Negotiate arrangements with food suppliers.- Manage inventory and check revenues and modify prices and cost- Ensure health and safety regulations are followed and meet the standard. Skills requirements Education Completion of high schoolExperience Minimum 2 years of supervisory or management experience. To be considered for a position you must apply by email. To get the opportunity to interview please respond to this ad with an attached resume or detailed work experience. Send your resume to convenience4u604(at)



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