How to go about starting your own podcast

Are you interested in having your own podcast? There are many things to consider before starting, which is why we re talking about some tips for launching your very first one. The first thing you ll need is a microphone and recording software. A cheap or free version of these can be found online. Next, you ll have to come up with what type of show you want to create: do you want a show about your favorite hobby? Or would you rather discuss one particular topic? Once you know what type of show is for you, it s time to find a host! A host will share their expertise on the show and talk with listeners live. There are many online platforms where hosts can be found; one example is SoundCloud. After finding a host and deciding the topics, start recording! It s important that when recording your podcast that each episode has been planned in advance. This will allow the episodes to flow better and be more organized. If everything goes as planned, your first episode will be ready in no time!



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