Goodyear Automotive Jobs Simpsonville Easley

Hello my name is Donovan Clarke and I am a recruiter for Goodyear Automotive. We have openings in Simpsonville and Easley SC. All positions offer Tuition Reimbursement 401k Healthcare vacation time and most importantly competitive pay. If interested below will be a link and job title along with the store location. Click on the link to apply and if you know anyone that may be interested please spread the word Mid Level Automotive Technician - Simpsonville SCs en position mid-level-automotive-technician-simpsonville- sc-simpsonville-sc-us-1(Store Address - 681 Fairview Rd Simpsonville SC 29680) Automotive Technician - Easley SCs en position automotive-technician-easley-sc-easley-sc-us( Store Address - 114 Rolling Hills Cir Easley SC 29640) Have a great rest of the day and I hope to hear back from you soon Donovan Clarke - Recruiter The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company Text Goodyear to 66866 to Fast Track your Career today



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