Kitchen helper

Kitchen helper-Position Kitchen helper-Vacancy 2 -Work Hours 6 8 hours per day or 30 40 hours per week (Full-time) Permanent-Wage 15.65 per hour -Benefit 10 days paid vacation per year Job Duties -Prepare ingredients-Wash peel cut Slice dice vegetables and fruit-Wash work tables cupboards and appliances-Unpack and store supplies in refrigerators cupboards and other storage areas-Remove trash and clean kitchen garbage containers-perform light cleaning duties such as sweeping and moping of floors to assist cook and kitchen staff-Maintain a neat and clean environment Job Requirements -Experience Not required Will Train-Language English is required-Education Some Secondary school education is usually required Job Application Submission -By Email okoman604(at)gmail.comorBy Mail Okoman Japanese Restaurant 100-3355 North Rd Burnaby BC V3J 7T9



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