Fishing For a Great Catch

I am in that place in my life where I am looking to find my romantic partner who can be my best friend and soulmate all wrapped into one. I have so much to offer but I am also willing to take it slow and enjoy getting to know each other. I like being romantic with my partner holding hands cuddling kissing touching and showing affection so I tend to be drawn to the same. I am loyal caring funny sweet yet passionate outgoing friendly compassionate and down to earth with a great sense of humor. My keys to a great relationship start with trust respect open communication and honesty come next to loving and faithful as the most important aspects of a relationship to me. Above all I just want to share love and feelings with someone super special to share life s moments with. Someone to have fun with laugh together when you make a mistake cry together but more importantly be there for each other. I love to be goofy by nature and never caught without a smile and have an uncanny ability to make you laugh and playfully tease. I could be a person that can stay at home and just have a nice dinner before snuggling up on a big cozy sofa with a warm blanket watching a good movie I want to be able to be so taken with loving that I can t resist the snuggling or kiss when you just say or do something funny and cute. Someone who also isn t afraid to expose her dorky playful and adventurous side. Hope your curiosity is piqued and don t be shy drop by to say hi.



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