Graco 4Ever DLX 4 in 1 Car Seat Infant to Toddler Car Seat

Littletoncondition newmake manufacturer Gracomodel name number 4Ever DLXNEW IN THE BOX Link s Graco-4Ever-DLX-Seat-Fairmont dp B07J37RTPG Product Description Graco 4Ever DLX 4-in-1 Car Seat gives you 10 years of use with 1 car seat now upgraded with 3 additional features pack and play The best-selling 4Ever you know and love now features a Rapid Remove cover an integrated belt lock-off for easy installation and rubberized fuss free harness storage for extra accessibility. It is comfortable for your child and convenient for you as it transitions from a rear-facing harness (4-40 lbs) to forward-facing harness (22-65 lbs) to high back belt-positioning booster (40-100 lbs) to backless belt-positioning booster (40-120 lbs). The Simply Safe Adjust Harness System and 10-position headrest lets you adjust the harness and headrest together with no rethreading. The 6-position recline keeps your child comfortable while the In Right Latch system makes installation easy. It s the only car seat you ll ever need Pack and Play. Recommended use Children are safer riding rear-facing and should ride rear-facing as long as possible until they reach the maximum rear-facing height or weight rating for their car seat. Then children should ride forward-facing using the built-in harness system for as long as possible until they reach the maximum forward-facing weight or height for their car seat. At that point children should ride in a belt-positioning booster seat. A booster is no longer needed once the vehicle seat belt fits properly typically when they reach 4 feet 9 inches tall and are between ages 8-12. Be sure to check your local and state laws as well as AAP and NHTSA recommendations for car seat usage. Plush head and body inserts keep your child comfortable.



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