What does it take to lead successfully

Why do people respect and support some as leaders and shun or despise others How does one executive achieve prosperity and pay his staff well while another fails Is it fate Luck Some special gift only the successful ones have The Scientology Tools for Effective Leadership Course answers these questions and gives you the true laws of leadership.On this course you will learn Exactly what an executive is what he must know and do to be an effective efficient administrator. What a bad leader does that harms a group and what a good leader does that results in prosperity for group members. A precise description of administration basics and the essential elements every executive must know. An executive armed with this knowledge can generate respect and cooperation from his staff. And through the application of these leadership tools he can achieve a higher existence for all concerned. Enroll on the Scientology Tools for Effective Leadership Course TODAY 23 Montr al Rd Vanier ON K1L 6E8 Phone (613) 230-5701s www.scientology-ottawa.org



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