Charleroi PA home for Sale Realtor Investors Contactor handyman

DescriptionCASH DEAL OFFER As is Go to Movoto.comMLS MLS 1548929(WELCOME )home buyer Realtors Investors or contractors handyman Welcome Small cosmetic repair needed if you are handy ASKING PRICE 40 000slightly negotiable price on selling price 40 000Concerning hearing all offers The home needs minor repairs It has new plumbing new electrical panel box That was sprayed and painting over Needs a good cleaning all walls need painting of whole house it needs kitchen remodelingIt s has a good working Gas furnace and hot water heater It has a backyard porch Good size backyardGreat for BBQ to enjoy with family and friends get together you have good Neighbors and all walkable convenience stores and gas stationsI m willing to take a Cash Deal offer From the following new owner buyer Realtor Investors Contactor Handyman Info it s a2 Level home 3 Bedroom 1 bath upstairs level with lot of closet space in bedrooms good size bedroom space size And main- level have good size eat kitchen space you need a need kitchen Furnace room living room and sun mud room Pennsylvania house for sale Cash deal offer The home is As is It need some repairs work It s a great deal come and see Call and make an appointment great opportunity investment Address of The home 1013 1 2 Lower Meadow Ave Chalerio PA 15022 The home is Listed on Movoto.comOn MLS MLS 1548929Put in zipecode and address



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