Ctet 2022 preparation strategy with timetable

Here are some effective tips on how to crack CTET july 2022 in the first Attempt. The candidates who want to be a teacher, should check out the preparation tips carefully and diligently. According to Henry David Threau, ?success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it?. Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET): Ctet is a well known entrance exam in the teaching field.ctet exam is conducted at central level by cbse. Ctet is a big exam and to crack it we make a plan and strategy for the preparation. Ctet july 2022 notification is expected to be released soon. CTET PATTERN 2022: In the CTET , there will be 150 questions asked carrying a total of 150 marks and the time allotted will be 150 minutes. The question paper will consist of objective-type questions & there will be 5 sections and each section will have 30 questions. There will be no negative marking in the CTET exam. Mode of exam: Before ctet december 2021 , exam mode is offline . but now it will be conducted in the online mode as a Computer Based Test(CBT). Pattern to study for CTET 2022 exam: To crack a difficult exam like CTET in the first attempt, you should be very focused with exam preparation. Dedication, hard work and determination always pay off. To clear CTET july 2022 exam, candidates have to follow a given pattern everyday.subject wise and topic wise strategy is important for candidates to crack the CTET EXAM in the first attempt. Child development and pedagogy: Spend 1-2 hours per day on important topics such as Growth and development, Intelligence, Learning theories, Gender, Cognitive and moral development, Assessment and evaluation, Personality and Teaching methods etc. Hindi: Spend 1.5 hours per day on important topics such as ??????? , ??????? , ????? ????????????? ???I Mathematics: Spend 2 hours per day on important topics such as Number system, Simplification, Profit and loss, Percentage and Some mathematics pedagogy concepts etc. English: Spend 1.5 hours per day on important topics such as Reading comprehension, poem and English pedagogy concepts etc. Environmental studies: Spend 1-2 hours per day on important topics such as Family and friends with its 6 subthemes, Shelter, Travel and Some Pedagogical issues. Tips for preparing the CTET 2022 Exam - Understand the exam pattern and syllabus Clear basic concepts and practice with previous paper Analyse and improve your weak area of syllabus Always make notes of each of subject Do not try to study everything Stay calm & stress-free Make a habit to give mock test - While preparing for the CTET EXAM , you must take at least one test every day and analyse it later. So that by knowing your weak facts, you can remove them soon, you should try to solve the test within the time limit, which will help you solve the exam in the examination hall in the given time.To create more opportunities w



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