Best preschool in jhansi, best playschool in jhansi

London Kids is a group of preschools in Jhansi that aims to provide a co-educational, modern and cheerful environment for children in the age group of 2 years to 5 years. When you enroll your child in London Kids, he or she will be given the opportunity to learn math, logic, science, and the arts with the help of qualified teachers. We aim to bring out the best in every child through various activities that include outdoor games, music appreciation, dance programs, etc. Contact Details Center Head Name: London Kids Address: House No.953, Outside Unnaov Gate, Infront of Gangadhar Ki Bagiya, Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh-284002 Contact Mobile No.: 9300229060, 9005453143 Contact Email Id.: [email protected] Website.:



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