adorable small Mini Cockapoo F1b puppy

Bear is an adorable black and tan Small Mini Cockapoo puppy with a playful attitude and a charming personality He weighed only 2.8 pounds at his 8-week vet exam and is expected to be near 10 pounds when full grown.We have a scheduled our door playtime which will make it easier for potty training. They love their walks and playtime.They have their first vet exams already complete.Up-to-date on all vaccines and dewormers.For more information click the link for the Youtube videos 7_MR2dYwxMADad Toy Poodle - 7 pounds & Mom Mini Cockapoo F1 - 13 poundsThe adorable Cockapoo results from a cross between two wonderful breeds the Mini Poodle and the Cocker Spaniel. With all the affection and friendliness of a Cocker Spaniel plus the intelligent nature of a Poodle these puppies are an all-around great choice for an outgoing and loyal companion. The Cockapoos coat may come in a wide variety of color combinations and is considered to be hypoallergenic thanks to the non-shedding characteristics of the Poodle. Since these puppies enjoy the outdoors regular playtime should be allotted each day so that your puppy can get the necessary exercise required for a healthy lifestyle What goes home with your puppy - One year health guarantee.- The original health check from the vet.- A complete list of the vaccinations and dewormers.- Royal Canin small breed puppy food.- Detailed instructions for your new puppy Our health guarantee requires that you take your new puppy for another health exam within 72 hours of pickup (excluding weekends). If you place a deposit on a puppy please also schedule an appointment to ensure a prompt vet visit. This process helps ensure that you will be getting a healthy puppy My goal is to have a happy customer and a happy puppy A 200.00 refundable deposit is needed to reserve a puppy and pickup times can be scheduled Monday - Saturday.Please call or text Nate (747) 231-0623 refundable deposit the deposit can only be refunded if after meeting the puppy in person you decide not to take the puppy after all or wish to transfer your deposit to another puppy.



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