Proper shape proper vaccinated Lhasa apso puppies for sale at sr

The Lhasa Apso is a non-sporting dog breed originating inTibet.[1] It was bred as an interior sentinel in the Buddhist monasteries to alert the monks to any intruders who entered. Lhasa is the capital city of Tibet and apso is a word in the Tibetan language meaning bearded so Lhasa Apso simply means long-haired Lhasa dog . There are however some who claim that the word apso is a corruption of the Tibetan word rapso meaning goat-like which would make the equivalent translation wooly Lhasa dog. Website - - sriganeshfarm(at) sreeganeshfarm(at)gmail.comMobile number - 08372091696Delivery anywherein india without taking any charges.Any orther query pls call sreeganesh farm . Thanks



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