Pets Farm offers Best quality French Mastiff puppies for salei

The French mastiff is a well balanced muscular and massive dog with apowerful build. The Dogue s size should come mostly from width and muscles rather than iheight.The breed is set somewhat low to the ground and is not tall like the English Mastiff.The body of the Dogue de Bordeaux is thick-set with a top-line that has a slight dip (topline is never completely straight) and a gentle rounded croup. The front legs should be straightand heavy-boned well up on pasterns down to tight cat-like feet. The straight tail tbeginning thickly at the base and then tapering to a point at the end should not reach lower than the hocks and is set and carried low. The breed is to be presented in a completely natural condition with intact ears tail and natural dewclaws. It should be evaluated equally for correctness in conformation temperament movement and overall structural soundness. t Weight Male 150 lb (68 kg) Female 125 lb (57 kg) Height Male 23.5 27 in (60 69 cm)Female 23 26 in (58 66 cm)Coat Fine short and soft to the touchColor All shades of fawn from a dark red fawn to a light fawn. A rich coat color is considered desirable. Limited white patches are permissible on the chest and the extremities of the limbs Litter size Avg. 8 pups Life Avg. 5-6 years Website - - petsfarm2020(at) petsfarmkolkata(at) Mobile number - (whats app Call -- 09732902388 09734471798) Delivery anywherein India without taking any charges.Any orther query pls call Pets Farm . Thanks



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