Proper shape proper vaccinated Cane Corso for sale at Pets Farm

The Cane Corso is a mastiff breed from Italy. He is a complex powerful dog with special needs. For starters he is a giant breed weighing up to 120 pounds. He was created to hunt big game and guard property. The Cane Corso has a massive head heavy rectangular body and a short coat in black gray fawn or red. The Cane Corso has a smooth coat that sheds. Brush him at least once a week to remove dead hair and keep the skin and coat healthy. Clean the ears and trim the nails as needed and bathe the Cane Corso on the rare occasions that he s dirty. Website - - petsfarm2020(at) petsfarmkolkata(at) Mobile number - (whats app Call -- 09732902388 09734471798) Delivery anywherein India without taking any charges.Any orther query pls call Pets Farm . Thanks



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