lineup Great Dane puppies for sale at Pets Farm Pets Farm offers

The Great Dane combines in its regal appearance dignity strength and elegance with great size and a powerful well-formed smoothly muscled body. It is one of the giant working breeds but is unique in that its general conformation must be so well balanced that it never appears clumsy and shall move with a long reach and powerful drive. The Great Dane is a short haired breed with a strong galloping figure. In the ratio between length and height the Great Dane should be square. The male dog should not be less than 30 in (76 cm) at the shoulders a female 28 in (71 cm). Danes under minimum height are disqualified. Fawn The color is yellow gold with a black mask. Black should appear on the eye rims and eyebrows and may appear on the ears.Brindle The color is fawn and black in a chevron stripe pattern. Often also they are referred to as having a tiger-stripe pattern.Harlequin The base color is pure white with black torn patches irregularly and well distributed over the entire body a pure white neck is preferred. The black patches should never be large enough to give the appearance of a blanket nor so small as to give a stippled or dappled effect. Eligible but less desirable are a few small grey patches (this grey is consistent with a Merle marking) or a white base with single black hairs showing through which tend to give a salt and pepper or dirty effect. WeightMale120 200 lb (54 91 kg) Female100 130 lb (45 59 kg)HeightMale30 34 in (76 86 cm) Female28 32 in (71 81 cm)Life span8 years Website - - petsfarm2020(at) petsfarmkolkata(at) Mobile number - (whats app Call -- 09732902388 09734471798) Delivery anywherein India without taking any charges. Any orther query pls call Pets Farm . Thanks



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