KCI Registered Saint Barnard puppies for sale through all over I

The St. Bernard is a giant dog. The average weight of the breed is between 140 and 264 lb (64 120 kg) or more and the approximate height at the withers is 27 inches to 35 inches (70 to 90 cm). The coat can be either smooth or rough with the smooth coat close and flat. The rough coat is dense but flat and more profuse around the neck and legs. The coat is typically a red color with white or sometimes a mahogany brindle with white. Black shading is usually found on the face and ears. The tail is long and heavy hanging low. Eyes should have naturally tight lids with haws only slightly visible they are usually brown but sometimes can be icy blue. Other names St. Bernhardshund BernhardinerAlpine Mastiff (archaic) Nicknames Saint Website - www.petsfarm.net.inEmailid - petsfarm2020(at)gmail.com petsfarmkolkata(at)gmail.com Mobile number - (whats app Call -- 09732902388 09734471798) Delivery anywherein India without taking any charges.Any orther query pls call Pets Farm . Thanks



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