Proper shape proper vaccinated French Bulldog for sale at Pets

The French Bulldog is a breed of domestic dog bred to be companion dogs. The breed is the result of a cross between Toy Bulldogs imported from England and local ratters in Paris France in the 1800s. They are stocky compact dogs with a friendly mild-mannered temperament. Life span 10 14 yearsOrigin FranceOther names Bouledogue fran aisCommon nicknames FrenchiesTemperament Playful Affectionate Easygoing Sociable Keen Lively Alert Athletic Patient BrightColors White Brindle Fawn Tan Brindle & White Website - - petsfarm2020(at) petsfarmkolkata(at) Mobile number - (whats app Call -- 09732902388 09734471798) Delivery anywherein India without taking any charges.Any orther query pls call Pets Farm . Thanks



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