
Canadian Maritime Engineering Ltd.(CME) and its predecessor companies in The Russell Group have been operating for more than 30 years. CME is a multi-faceted organization that services all marine and industrial companies including machining mechanical welding fabrication and specially coatings. CME s strength lies in our work force of highly trained experienced and knowledgeable employees who are capable of providing custom mechanical engineering and advanced industrial solutions to meet your specific needs. We are well-known Canadian leader with a reliable team able to skillfully execute a wide range of projects in industries such as Marine Oil and Gas Power Generation and National Defense.We re looking for people who are committed to producing great work and enjoying themselves while doing it. We re looking for people with ideas and energy who want to make an impact. We re looking for people who will see the limitless opportunities for professional and personal development and seize them.Salary 20-30 hourly Permanent Full-time The welder fitter us critical role in the growth and development of our coast to coast Canadian operations. We are looking for flexible candidates who can work 40 hours a week(potential shift work). We are looking for motivated individuals seeking long term employment with a progressive and growing company. Some travel may be involved. The successful candidates have the following skills - Must be capable of passing welder certification - Fitting and Burning plate and structural - Ability to interpret blueprints - All position FCAW SMAW GTAW - Marine experience an asset - Aluminum stainless experience an assetResponsibilities - Reliability - Troubleshooting - Self-Motivated - Communication - Punctual - Dedicated - Flexible Due to Federal Government projects the selected applicant must have proof of full COVID-19 vaccination



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