Castel sant?angelo, rome visit hadrian?s tomb a short distance f

Popes tombs and a museum detailing Rome s history can be found in the Castel Sant Angelo, also called the Mausoleum of Hadrian and built by the same-named ancient Roman emperor. Here, visitors can witness statues by well-known artists, marvel at amazing architecture, and enjoy breathtaking views of the mausoleum as a whole. The tombs of all the Antonine emperors from Hadrian on up to Caracalla are visible, as well as Hadrian s own mausoleum. Five storeys of the Castel Sant Angelo, which was later transformed into a castle, are connected by a spiral ramp. Before you reach the observation deck on the top floor, it features historical tombs, Renaissance-era artwork, and even a sizable collection of ancient weapons. A trip here is similar to a time travel through the Middle Ages to Ancient Rome.



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