CKCASDR Mini Australian Shepherds (aussie)

These adorable mini aussie puppies were born and will be ready for their new forever homes June past Both parents are our family pets and are on site. Both parents are dual registered CKC and ASDR. Molly the mom is a black tri and measures 14 lbs 15 inches. She is incredibly athletic and will fetch for hours. She is our most obedient dog and loves being petted and pampered.Butch the dad is a blue merle. He is 13 lbs 14 in. He exemplifies man s best friend. He is always right by your hip helping with chores or out for a walk. He s the most mild mannered mini aussie we have ever met. He prefers babies and small children if given the choice but he really just loves anybody that will pet him. Our three year old tells us that Butch is his best friend We do Early Neurological Stimulation (ENS) with all of our puppies. They have also been socialized and played with by our two kids and many neighbors and have a great start on crate training.Tails have been docked and dew claws removed. Puppies have received their first round of shots and have been health checked by a vet. Pet pricing is as follows (breeding rights and dual registration papers are an additional 0) Merle Females- (one available)Merle Males- (one available)Tri Male- (one available)PLEASE DO CONTACXT US AND LEAVE A NUMBER THAT I CAN TEXT SMS YOU FOR FASTER COMMUNICATION.



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