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Contact Us: + 91 7483678836 | Mail: [email protected] ? ? ? ? ? Home ? About Us ? Products ? Gallery ? Contact Us Caster Wheel Manufacturers Heavy Duty Caster Wheel All Types Of Caster Wheel Available Call For Best Price 7483678836 KML WHEELS Best Caster Wheel Manufacturers About Our Company Trolley Caster Wheel, Chair Caster Wheels, Industrial Caster Wheel, Heavy Duty Casters comprising Rubber Tyree, Pressed Steel Casters, Fabricated Casters and Meany more. Contact Us Address #261, Ground & 1st Floor 2nd Cross, 4Th Phase, 3rd Main, Peenya Industrial Area Bengaluru - 560058, Karnataka, India E-mail: [email protected] Mobile: + 91 7483678836 Mr. Manjunath Kariyappa (Proprietor ) Leave a Message ?KML WHEELS 2022 All right reserved. Designed & SEO By Secure Media Technologies Contact Us: + 91 7483678836 | Mail: [email protected] ? ? ? ? ? Home ? About Us ? Products ? Gallery ? Contact Us About Us Introduction We are Engaged in manufacturing a wide range of Single Wheel Caster, Double Wheel Caster, Four Wheel Caster and Six Wheel Caster, we are Sole Proprietorship firm and manufacture the offered products as per the set industry norms. Our valued clients can avail these products from us at reasonable rates. Under the leadership of ?Mr. Manjunath Kariyappa? (Proprietor), we have gained a remarkable and strong position in the market. We Manufgacturers Casters Wheel, Trolley Caster Wheel, Chair Caster Wheels, Industrial Caster Wheel, Heavy Duty Casters comprising Rubber Tyree, Pressed Steel Casters, Fabricated Casters, Custom Casters, Aerospace Casters, Automotive Casters, Swivel Casters, Darcor Casters, Plastic Casters, Polymer Caster Wheels, Carbon Fiber Casters, and many more Mission Our mission is to produce and continually develop quality products at a competitive price while fostering a climate where environmental technologies can thrive. We will always strive to service our customer with the utmost integrity, and to their complete satisfaction. It is our goal to ensure our mission by continuous self improvement, growth in our operations and employees; while maintaining profitability to the benefit of our customers, employees, and community. All employees will work together in combining their efforts and skills to ensure our mission and goals are fulfilled in a courteous manner. Vision The vision of Manufacturing is to continue the heritage of our Company and be a top quality products. We dedicate ourselves to be the supplier of choice when our type of products are being sought. This vision will be accomplished by sharing the responsibilities of planning and decision making with all of our employees. KML WHEELS Best Caster Wheel Manufacturers About Our Company Trolley Caster Wheel, Chair Caster Wheels, Industrial Caster Wheel, Heavy Duty



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