I&rsquom looking a black lady 40for long term relationship

Hi ladies I m a 57 year old passionate loving man of god I own my home and take care of my dad I m looking a lady 40 to date and get to know each other very good no rush take it slow I m looking this lady to complete my future and hopefully make you a good future you ll never have to worry about being homeless as I said I want to date so you must be local and you need to be a lady that truly understands the closeness happiness and loving bond that comes from a adult nursing relationship dry nursing is fine and yes I m gentle but I love to nurse several times a day I want a lady to do things with a companion as I said you must be local and be able to come to town Manchester Ga to meet plus size would be great when you text me you must tell me your age and location on where you live I ll pay when we go out the lady in the photo looks perfect to me take a chance



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