Mayakoba Country Club Lot 6

4 550 000 MXN Ciudad Mayakoba Playa del Carmen 4842 Square Feet View Listing s 3c5z0hm Build in one of the destinations with the highest added value and growth in Mexico and Latin America. These are the first lots that are going to be delivered and the next 4 other clusters are sold out meaning it will be difficult to get a lot ready to build on for more than a year. Mayakoba Country Club offers an urban environment nestled in nature and surrounded by 60 hectares of natural conservation extensive green areas and parks. This lot backs onto the jungle so it has complete privacy and is right next to the clubhouse making it easier to walk over and use all the amenities. It may be bought together with another lot at its side.The land is listed on our websites at 227 500 USD but the true list price of this land is 4 550 000 MXN



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