High-quality Blinds and Awnings only at Inspired By Blinds

Find a large collection of high-quality blinds and awnings from the industry s top window coverings including latest window covering design across the globe with Inspired By Blinds. We are your dedicated LUXAFLEX Window Fashions Gallery servicing our local area. As part of a group of 60 independently operated LUXAFLEX Gallery stores nationwide and one of thousands worldwide we bring you the latest in innovations in window covering solutions from around the world from the market leading window coverings brand LUXAFLEX. Our experts at Inspired by Blinds are well-trained in serving and guiding customers from design concept to product installation entirely within our company. Luxaflex are the leaders in the field of automation. We are pioneering systems to bring your custom-made curtains and home window furnishings into the 21st century with solutions such as motorised roller blinds powerview motorisation and Q motion. Powerview Motorisation provides effortless operation precise light control added customisation worldwide access and so much more. Powerview motorisation is available with the following systems. Duette Shades Silhouette Shadings Luminette Privacy Sheers Modern Roman Shades Pirouette Shadings Roller Blinds Evo Awnings At Inspired by Blinds we pride ourselves on listening to our clients requirements and producing their desired design outcomes in a smooth and uncomplicated way.



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