PR 1312342Technician

WE ARE PEOPLEREADY Staffing. It s what we know. Because we ve been providing staffing solutions putting people to work for nearly 30 years. Whether you re looking for work or you re seeking workers for your business PeopleReady is the North American leader in the industrial and on-demand staffing space. The PeopleReady located at Oakville Ontario L6H 1A7 is currently hiring a PR 1312342 Technician Job Description Technician PeopleReady ofOakville ONis now hiring Technicians If you are an enthusiastic & dependable individual we need you to fill the position of an Air & Water Technician. Apply today and you could start as soon as tomorrow. No resume or interview required - yep you read that right. As a PeopleReady associate you ll benefit from The freedom to work where you want when you want and as often as you want. Next-day pay for many of our open positions. The ability to choose long-term positions for steady work or short-term positions if you just want some extra cash. Pay Rate The pay rate for this job is 23 Hour 25 Hour What you ll be doing as a Technician Interact with maintenance production and supplier teams to troubleshoot and resolve process and facility related quality concerns Monitor and perform analytical testing of booth water chemical systems Compile and review daily analytical data and prepare reports Perform inspections of process and facility equipment and report findings Collect and interpret paint booth environment data including airflow temperature humidity static pressures equipment status & health etc. Perform and verify air balancing of paint spray booths Monitor and report on facility and process air filtration programs Monitor paint facility cleaning operations and the impact on quality metrics Measure and report environmental and energy reduction initiatives Available shifts Shift timings -2nd Shift (Evening) Job requirements Strong work ethic with a record of dependable and self-motivated work experience Degree or diploma in a technical discipline relating to air and or water industrial processes Ease of professional and social interactions resulting in positive customer relations Ability to work a rotating shift including weekends and nights with own transportation Perform work in a logical orderly and skillful manner Use tools and equipment correctly efficiently and accurately Ability to climb stairs work in hot and humid environments lift materials up to 25kg 12-hr shifts and spend long periods of time on your feet Must have a valid SIN card Must be over 18 years old Ready to take control of the way you work Complete our application to join the PeopleReady team today. In case you missed it no resumes or interviews are required



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