Barns Of America Inc. July Special 40x60x14

Barns of America Inc. Has something NEW to offer YOU We are now offering a ROUND PEN up to 60FT So pick up the phone and ask and ask for Brittany or Nikkie. Don t forget we are a POLE BARN company so you can ask about are special on POLE BARNS too. We have upgrade like tin of metal metal color post size custom trusses exedra. Each upgrade is a custom charge.You can visit our website at ( for photos barn kits size or maybe just trusses. You can even get financing. Call and ask for a sales representative and ask for Brittany or Nickki. Monday-Friday 8 00am-4 00pm at (352)469-5044 or (352)356-0111.We are located at 26151 SE HWY 19 Old Town Florida 32680. SORRY BUT SOME AREAS ARE DELIVERY ONLY OR PICK UP ONLY AVAILABLE.



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