Column separation expert, column internals and packing, design a

Nantong Sutong Separation Technology Co., Ltd. is a company specialized in the design and manufacture of tower internals, packing, tower trays and the process of energy saving. Mainly develop the production, test and engineering service of mass transfer and separation in Chemical, Petrochemical, Refinery, Fertilizer, Oil & Gas and Environmental Protection areas. The relevant processes include rectification, absorption, extraction, regeneration, evaporation, stripping and waste water treatment of the tower separation, also including the design of dust filter and demister in the Environmental Protection. We can provide highly professional Engineering & Technology service, solve many difficult Engineering problems in different areas. SUTONG is a national High-tech company, the nominated supplier of Sinopec Group, the nominated company of National Technology Center of Chemical Engineering Design, the research and developing base and the only one nominated manufacturer of Nanjing University Separation Division, the nominated manufacturer of East China University of Science and Technology. We also established friendly cooperation with famous Design Institutes and Scientific Research Institute. We offer a complete technical consulting, engineering design, installation, commissioning test and key-delivered project, provide lifetime warranty to the undertaken project. We provide our clients the best priced tower packing, trays and tower internals with good quality, practical utility and high - efficiency. We can supply considerate service, and react quickly to the market for the research.



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